Meanderings In The Mesozoic
Saturday, July 17, 2004
  "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture – it’s a really stupid thing to want to do."
Or so says Elvis Costello. *shrugs shoulders*

Check out Agagooga's analysis of the sorry state of modern music, entitled "Why I Dislike Modern Music".

A disclaimer from Agagooga himself:

Please note that the title of this page is "Why I Dislike Modern Music", and not "Why anyone who likes modern music is a crass idiot who deserves to be shot". Few may agree with my intensely subjective opinions, but I retain the opinions anyway. Also, the following points do not all apply to all genres of modern music.

Non-modern music is by no means immune to all of these, but it suffers from the symptoms below to a much lesser extent.

Check it out here.
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